The Top 5 Best Vitamins for Men
The Top 5 Best Vitamins for Men
By: Brian Wargula

Why You Might Need Vitamin Supplements

Being strong and feeling great doesn’t just happen overnight. Unlike  macronutrients, vitamins are tiny micronutrients that are ultimately responsible for keeping our bodies functioning smoothly. Even small deficiencies may lead to greater health problems along the way. Small issues like fatigue and forgetfulness to bigger issues–– like heart problems have the possibility to be rooted in vitamin deficiencies.

Consider this; oftentimes your lifestyle should lead the charge on what vitamins you should be taking regularly. For example if you live in a warmer, sunny climate you may not need as much vitamin D as those who don’t see the sun as often. It’s also important to remember that even the slightest increase in your activity level or change in diet could mean you need extra supplements. Vitamin supplements for men are different from what women need. And we may not always be aware of where our multi-vitamin falls short. Which is why it's paramount to speak with your doctor or nutritionist to help assess your diet and steer you towards the top vitamins for men and specifically for your needs. As always before taking different supplements, it's best to reach out to a professional before starting a new routine.

Best Vitamins for Men

Stop considering that you may need to take medication for every little thing. The truth is that many smaller and common health issues start at our diet. Men’s bodies differ in how much of each vitamin they need to keep performing and feeling their best, especially as we age. Here are some of the expert recommended, research-backed best daily vitamins for men:

  1. Vitamin B12
  • What it is/why it's important: B12 plays an essential role in aiding cellular functions, the formation of red blood cells, DNA, and nerves.
  • Why you may be deficient: Vegans and vegetarians are most at risk because many foods rich in B12 are restricted in their diets. However it can be missing from anyone's diet and signs of deficiency often include fatigue, weakness, constipation, and memory problems.
  • How you can take it: In addition to getting B12 in your diet, you can also take a supplement. It can be found naturally through animal-based foods like salmon, tuna, sirloin, and dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt.
    • Men should aim for at least 2.4 mcg of B12 daily
  • Benefits of taking extra B12: There are a lot of benefits to taking B12 and a lot of research-backed studies that show a myriad of health benefits. Among benefits are that it may prevent bone loss, elevate your energy levels, help keep your cells working the most efficiently and also aid in keeping your memory sharp.
  • Vitamin D
  • What it is/why it's important: Vitamin D helps promote the absorption of calcium in the intestines and is vital to getting the micronutrients between your bloodstream and your bones. D2 is vegetarian form and less absorbable and D3 is found in animals and is the form you absorb in your skin. It’s one of the best vitamins for men’s health.
  • Why you may be deficient: It's important to make sure that you have not just the right amount of vitamin D in your diet, but also that it is absorbed in your body. There is a growing group of studies that show links between low vitamin D levels with diabetes, poor heart health, osteoporosis, depression, and even increased risk of low testosterone production in men.
  • How you can take it: Our bodies only get vitamin D through diet and sunlight or through extra supplements. Foods naturally rich in vitamin D include most fatty fish.
    • Men should aim for at least 10 - 20 micrograms per day.
  • Benefits of taking Vitamin D: Vitamin D can aid in preventing bone bone loss, fractures, and also boost your mood and energy levels in addition to warding off other health issues you may face in the future.
  • Magnesium
  • What it is/why it's important: There are many different forms of magnesium from chelates, glycinate, citrate, theonate, oxide all that are different absorptions and distribution to different areas like brain, gut, muscle, nervous system, sleep etc. Our bodies need magnesium to help maintain normal nerve and muscle function as well as help keep immune systems strong, regulate our heart beat and keep blood pressure and glucose levels balanced.
  • Why you may be deficient: Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include constipation, muscle cramps, nausea, weakness, lethargy, and may be behind heart issues like stroke, high blood pressure, and heart attacks.
  • How you can take it: Foods naturally rich in magnesium include spinach, avocado, brown rice, and nuts like almonds, peanuts, and cashews. Some of the best organic vitamins for men include magnesium powder, which is also a really easy way to make sure you are getting your recommended dose first thing in the morning.
    • Men should aim for at least 310 - 420mg per day.
  • Benefits of taking extra Magnesium: There are a lot of research-backed reasons that this has become a recommended vitamin for men. Among them are the way that magnesium aids in muscular health, and energy correction and nervous system regulation. A deficiency is difficult to detect because it’s mostly stored in your muscles and bones
  • Omega-3’s
  • What it is/why its important: These micronutrients help fight inflammation and support heart, joint, and most importantly brain health. EPA and DHA are the two forms of omega 3’s they both have roles in clotting and anti-clotting factors which helps the body in many ways.
  • Why you may be deficient: Dietary restrictions or allergies can be the main reason people may be deficient in the amount of Omega-3s they are getting.
  • How you can take it: You can easily get your daily dose of omega-3’s in foods like fatty fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts. Many multivitamins and top rated men’s vitamins now contain Omega-3s because of all their benefits.
    • Men should aim for at least 1.6 g per day of Omega-3s
  • Benefits of taking Omega-3’s: Omega-s can fight inflammation and also help maintain heart health among many other research-backed benefits. Its a good vitamin for men to take solo if they do not believe that they are getting enough in their diet. Fish oil has become a popular way for men over age 35 to make sure they are getting the right amount of these omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Iron 
  • What it is/why it's important: Iron plays a critical role in distributing the oxygen in your blood and throughout the body. As a main backer of healthy red blood cells iron is essential to making sure your body functions normally.
  • Why you may be deficient: Falling behind in your iron intake is easier than you may think if you’re not getting enough in your diet. When you have an iron deficiency, your body and muscles struggle to get the oxygen they need to perform at their best. Fatigue, dizziness, pale skin and frequent headaches may all be signs you are deficient.
  • How you can take it: Many foods have iron in them and its easy to get this through your diet by eating ample amounts of legumes, dark leafy greens, nuts and potatoes.
    • Men should aim for at least 8 mg per day of Iron.
  • Benefits of Iron: For guys who are still hitting the gym just as hard as when they were younger, this is one to really make sure you are getting enough for men over the age of 30. It can make sure your workouts aren’t damaging your muscles and you still feel strong, energetic and confident. 

Support Your Health with Nutritionally Complete Supplements

Of course some of the best ways to get extra vitamins is through complete and high quality nutritional supplements. Transformation Protein powder and Supergreens powder were developed with ingredients to give you more nutrition and vitamins than you would otherwise get in your daily intake. These are an easy way to get all of the micronutrients you need to fuel your workout and your day.