Benefits Of Home Workouts: 4 Reason To Skip The Gym
Thanks Shelby from Fit As A Mama Bear for this amazing article.
Cant find time to hit the gym? No problem! Believe it or not, home workouts can get you better results, especially if you have a lifestyle. Learn more about the benefits of at-home workouts and then get started on your fitness journey with a 20 minute workout you can do anywhere!
The number one problem most people note when it comes to their fitness is finding time to work out. Between jobs, kids, and activities, there just doesn’t seem to be enough minutes in the day.
But not to worry, as a Certified Strength & Conditioning Coach, I’m going to tell you to skip the gym.
The truth is, the gym can be a lifeaver for some and a burden for others.
If you’re struggling to fit in your workouts, learn more about the benefits of home training sessions below!
You Save Time
Time is a factor for most of us, especially parents. By choosing to work out at home, you save precious time traveling. Time that could be better allocated to actually completing your workout.
Most people find as well, that because they’re not dreading the commute, they end up more consistent to a training schedule.
Given that all fitness goals require consistency, this is the biggest benefit to at home workouts.
One of the perks of home workouts is that you never have to wait for equipment or alter your training program.
At busy times, the gym can get cramped with everyone trying to use the same set of dumbbells or machines.
This issue doesn’t apply to you when you work out at home.
No more waiting, no more altering, just consistent movement.
Scheduling Isn’t An Issue
Once you get into the swing of home workouts, you realize how great it is that you can get it done any time you want?
Saturday morning while the kids are watching television? Perfect.
Early morning while the house is quiet? Done.
There’s no need to arrange childcare or plan activities around workout times. Get it done when you have spare moments throughout your day.
Let’s be honest, for those of us just starting out it can be scary walking into a gym. Even a small one. You end up feeling like everyone is watching your every move and you’re not sure how to do half the exercise sin your program.
You spend more time wondering what you look like that focusing on the mind muscle connection.
At home, you’re in YOUR space.
No one cares if you look funky doing glute bridges or your workout gear is your pajamas. Working out at home tends to be a much more relaxed environment that most people thrive on.
Now, that’s not to say that working out at home doesn’t take some effort or planning. You do need to show up with a workout to do (peek below for a twenty minute, no equipment workout!).
Likewise, depending on your goals you may need some equipment. However, a few dumbbells and/or resistance bands will run you far less than a gym membership and can get you really far in terms fo strength and weight loss.
So, the next time you find yourself stressed about hitting the gym and wondering how to make fitness WORK in your life.. skip the gym and get it done at home!
Total Body Workout (No Equipment)
The workout below is a great example of one you can do at home. It doesn’t require anything fancy (just a chair/bench/stairs) and there’s no jumping. This means it’s a great option for beginners and fitness enthusiasts alike.
- A1. Bulgarian split squat
- A2. Hamstring bridge
- A3. Forearm plank scapular retractions
- B1. In & out squats
- B2. Eccentric push up
- B3. Reverse plank
- C1. Bear crawl
To perform it: perform the first three exercises back to back for the repetitions listed without rest. Rest for 45-60 seconds are the scapular retractions. Repeat the sequence for a total of three times through.
Then, move on to the next the first three exercises. Perform them back to back for the repetitions listed without rest. Rest for 45-60 seconds are reverse plank. Repeat the sequence for a total of three times through.
Finally, finish with two sets of bear crawls with 20 seconds of rest between them.
Note: for the eccentric push up, try to lower for a count of 4. If needed, elevate to a bench.
Watch this workout on our Instragram account @Transformation