Testimonials from the 60 Day Total Body Challenge that might make you tear up
Testimonials from the 60 Day Total Body Challenge that might make you tear up
By: Brian Wargula

The results are in and it’s impressive! If you ever needed a “kick in the butt” to shape up, you need to see this because Transformation Protein’s first 60-Day Total Body Challenge was a total success for everyone! On January 1st, 2021, 100 challengers began their transformation journey where the average person who completed the 60 days lost over 19lbs, gained more strength, new energy, and an amazing community of people all dedicated to feeling better together. 

To accomplish this, Transformation hired one of most well respected celebrity fitness trainers on the planet; Jen Widerstrom. Best known as the undefeated trainer from The Biggest Loser and Shape Magazine’s contributing Fitness Editor, Jen designed and launched a trail blazing total body weight loss program that focuses not just on workouts or what to eat, but YOU and YOUR individual and very personal goals. Supporting Jen and the challengers was Transformation Nutritionist Nancy Lin, PhD, whose ayurvedic approach to weight loss and lifestyle complimented Jen’s beautiful weight loss program designed to get total body results fast.    


Every challenger received a plan that included nutrition guidance and workouts to support their individual weight loss goals.  Jen and Nancy held live zoom calls on a weekly basis and moderated a facebook community support group. Challengers were constantly motivated and questions never went unanswered.  All fueled by Transformation’s top shelf multi-protein superblend, organic Super Greens, and “CUT” metabolism booster, for a 360-way to enhance fitness goals. 

Jen Widerstrom, author of the top-selling book, Diet Right For Your Personality Type, is a continuous force in the fitness world. Her own personal journey to being in the best shape possible was not a short one, and it's led her to being endlessly passionate about coaching others to reach their goals. Together with Transformation Protein’s head nutritionist, Nancy Lin, PhD they led individual participants to lose up to 30+lbs and have gains where they hadn’t had muscle tone for years. 

Breaking Down the 60-Day Challenge


So how do you transform your body in 60 days? With the right professional guidance. Jen Widerstrom created a program that started with a fit test. All participants completed the initial fit test and were asked to really contemplate what their goals were. Her strategy for the fitness challenge was creating 40-60 minute exercises that anyone could complete, anywhere. 

Using just a mat and a few weights, participants were coached on how to go at their own pace, so that everyone was working hard at a level that was appropriate for them. Weekly weigh-ins, emails, and live Zoom sessions with Jen Widerstrom and Transformation’s head nutritionist, Nancy Lin, PhD, kept challengers engaged and accountable for their progress. To stay motivated there were even incentives of cash prizes and full refunds for the Challenge bundle package––which includes all Transformation’s premium nutritious blends; protein powder, CUT, and Super Greens. 

Challenge Details - This highly-tailored program only had limited space to ensure participants got the maximum amount of benefits. Participants secured their spot by purchasing the ultimate product bundle from Transformation Protein to enter the challenge and start their new routine:

  • 60-day workout program designed to get everyone healthy
  • Live training sessions with Jen Wiederstrom
  • Special challenge bundle of protein and to supercharge progress
  • Access to in-house nutritionist with custom recipes and nutrition guide

Benefits of Joining the Challenge

  • Lose weight, increase muscle, and improve quality of life
  • Boost daily energy and beat the slump
  • Feel confident and love your body again
  • A community of like-minded people on the same journey - for support and accountability
  • Cash prizes for the biggest transformations for those that completed every task during the 60-day challenge

What People Are Saying About It

The end result of the program exceeded all expectations. With a collective weight loss of over 1,000lbs people not only transformed their bodies, they transformed their lives. The exclusive Facebook group designed to keep everyone connected through the challenge blew up and became its own special online community where people shared their journey, their roadblocks, and got the help and attention they needed from coach Jen Widerstrom and nutritionist, Nancy Lin, PhD. The transformations that took place were truly awe-inspiring and the “Before & After” photos people submitted outmatched any workout program in existence. 

Janelle S, 37 

  • “I lost 26lbs. I’ve done weight loss before, the biggest thing was feeling like myself. I was in a bad spot last year, couldn't function in life anymore. I was in a negative headspace. It’s easy to lose weight, but the mental side was the biggest takeaway. Seeing me again in the mirror. Feeling good about myself.” 

 Jeff H, 40

  • “The program is definitely worth doing there's no risk you’re gonna look better, you're going to feel better you’re going to make friends.”

 Jill L, 46

  • “I needed the guidance or I would not be able to do it. I  truly believe in the Transformation Protein products. My body now needs them. [After] the whole 60- days, I missed everyone afterwards. Seeing peoples victories and stories.”

Rachel W. (Challenge Winner)

  • “This challenge isn’t about doing the biggest, hardest most difficult workout… I can just take this from where I am.”

Christopher M, 43

  • “I’m one of those people who’s very goal oriented, so when I saw this opportunity to have basically some great support with Jen, with Dr. Nancy, and Transformation Protein having created the structure. It seemed like a great opportunity for me to really get that extra little boost to make the change and just sort of becoming more of what I want to be. It worked.”

The Future of Our 60-Day Challenge

So how did these people have so much success? The key is dedication and having the right support. Truly anyone can do this program. It doesn’t matter how old you are, or how out of shape you are. 

TRUTH: You don’t need a fancy gym membership or home equipment that costs thousands of dollars and requires monthly memberships. These people got to their mats everyday and dedicated the time to doing the workouts. They checked-in, they ate right. They used recipes from a certified nutritionist to help choose healthy meals over junk food. Many cited that it was thanks to TP’s protein powder and Super Greens they were able to cut out snacking and feel fuller, longer.


There was so much weight loss transformation within the community that Transformation Protein will be using the successful design of the program to open it to future participants going forward. “This is certainly not a one-off thing,” said CEO Brian Wargula. “The results from this challenge really embody our goals as a brand––transforming people’s bodies and ultimately their lives so that they can be healthier, happier, and the best versions of themselves. We can’t wait to have more challenges offered moving forward. This is truly a program for everyone and we are so proud of all our first ever challenge participants.”

Think you could be ready to sign up for your first challenge? 
